今期香港彩最新开奖号码 历史开奖 香港彩幸运号码 香港今晚六给彩开奖结果今天晚上最新公布 香港澳门六开彩网站 香港彩今晚开奖结果查询 开奖历史记录 出号综合走势 123kai彩网官网 2025澳门特码今晚开奖亿路发彩票网 新香澳台历史开奖记录查询结果 香港澳门彩开奖结果 开奖结果+开奖记录表 今晚开奖结果查询 号码查询结果 168号码结果 今晚幸运号码 全网最快的香港开奖网 168体彩彩票官网 123kai彩网 香港6合和彩今晚开奖结果查询 香港彩168开奖官方开奖网站查询 香港现场开奖号码 香港最快开奖结果开奖直播频道 香港采彩最快开奖现场直播+结果 2024全年历史开奖记录查询 最全的精准资料下载 手机版APP查询实时开奖直播视频. It began with a single Book of Hope in 1987. Since then,more than 2 billion children and youth have encountered God’s Word through our Scripture engagement programs in partnership with churches worldwide. Together, we’ll ensure that no child is left waiting to experience Jesus and His Word.
Children and youth
reached in 37 years
Different Languages:
Bridging language barriers with our available programs.
Children and Youth Reached
Every Minute Worldwide
We believe the life-changing narrative of the 香港开奖结果+开奖结果 香港现场开奖号码 香港最快开奖结果开奖直播拼图 香港开奖结果开奖直播 香港今天特别号码开奖结果 香港今晚六给彩开什么 2025香港今期开奖号码 数据资料 香港历史开奖记录查询结果图 Good News brings hope and has the power to affect destinies.
While many of our incredible partners strive to provide children around the world with much-needed tangible resources such as food, water, and clothing, we feel called to devote all of our resources to providing children and youth with relevant Gospel messages. Relief efforts may only provide temporary aid while God’s Word has the power to bring eternal life change in addition to a fulfilling life on earth.
Micky came from a humble background. His father eked out a living as a farmer while his mother sold coffee in the local market. His parents watched helplessly as their son turned to drugs, alcohol, and gambling. Micky fought frequently and failed in school. He knew this wasn’t the future he wanted, but he, too, felt helpless.
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